It is designed uniquely in a way for ready recognition by a layman to identify the brand/ company. Most companies apply for trademark for their brand and logos to secure their rights on them.
Following is a template of resolution passed in the meeting of the board of directors to change the logo of the company.—
#. To consider and approve the new Logo of the company
The Chairman informed the Board that the logo is the foundation of a company's identity and recognition. It's a symbolic representation of the company's personality.
The company has come out with some creative and visually appealing logos, which are in coherence with its corporate theme. The specimen of different designs of logos of the company was placed before the meeting. The directors suggested some changes in the samples as shown in the meeting.
After discussions and considerations, the following resolutions were passed unanimously:
“RESOLVED THAT the Logo appearing under serial number ... of the specimen logos placed before the meeting be and is hereby approved for all further use in all communications, public materials, websites and display hoardings of the company and at all other places as may be necessary. A copy of the same is presented as under:
[ Logo ]
RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the Company Secretary of the company be and is hereby authorized to initiate the process of registration of Logo under intellectual property rights, Trade Mark and to do all necessary things connected thereto.”
Thank you for the board resolution format!