Consumer forums or courts deal specifically with cases on consumer disputes and redresses their grievances. Consumer forums are quasi-judicial bodies that are established to protect the rights of the consumers.
Consumers can file case(s) against business establishments and companies for their grievances. In case, a consumer has filed a case against a company, the board of directors in its meeting by passing a resolution can authorise any director or officer of the company to represent the company before any such consumer forums. Here are formats of such board resolutions, do modify suitably.
(Specific Authority)
#. Authorisation to represent before ......... consumer forum in case no. .........
The managing director informed the board that a customer of the company has filed a case bearing number .............. in ........... consumer forum regarding a complaint on (brief description of the matter).
The matter was discussed. It was decided that the company should contest the case and it was, therefore, necessary to authorise an official to represent the company in the forum.
Upon motion duly passed and seconded, it was:
“RESOLVED THAT (Name of the Director/Employee), (Designation) of the company be and is hereby authorised to represent the company before the ................ Consumer Forum at (Location) in the complaint application filed by (Name of the Consumer) bearing case number ..................
FURTHER RESOLVED THAT (Name of the Director/Employee), (Designation) of the company be and is hereby authorised to sign and execute all such documents in relation to the said case as required and to do all such acts, deeds and things as may be necessary and expedient in relation thereto.”
(General Authority)
#. Authorisation to represent before consumer forums
The board was informed that the company has been receiving notices from consumer forums from time to time regarding complaints filed by various consumers on their grievances. The board was advised that the company should authorise its officials in order to represent the company before all such consumer forums and submit necessary documents as and when required.
The matter was discussed. It was decided to give due authority for this purpose. The board instructed the management to brief the board on the progress of such consumer cases from time to time.
Upon motion duly passed and seconded, it was:
“RESOLVED THAT (Name of the Officer), (Designation) and (Name of the Officer), (Designation) of the company be and is hereby severally authorised to represent the company before all such consumer forums in relation to the complaints filed by the consumers of the company.
FURTHER RESOLVED THAT (Name of the Officer), (Designation) and (Name of the Officer), (Designation) of the company be and is hereby severally authorised to sign and execute all such documents in relation to the consumer cases against the company and to do all such acts, deeds and things as may be necessary and expedient in relation thereto.”
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